Mum makes a fortune selling ‘Vegan Bone’

An entrepreneur/ mum has made a fortune & has pet owners around the country rejoicing at the ability to now buy ‘organic, vegan bones for their pets. With the ever growing trend in people turning their carnivorous  pets into vegans, many are excited about the new product.

No longer will vegan pet owners have had to cringe and gag (often at the same time) when having to give their pets actual bones. The bones range in different sizes and shapes and are all unique with no two bones being exactly the same. 

They are also made from all natural and organic materials boasting carbon, oxygen, hydrogen (not the kind that makes blimps blow up), nitrogen, and other trace elements such as calcium, Potassium, sodium, magnesium and manganese. 

by weight.Prices start at $10.00 and range up to $1000 and will make you look the most progressive person in the dog park!