Bruce Dickinson Joins COVID Task Force to Oversee new radical treatment

After a series of staggering COVID cases, the task force assembled at the white house late yesterday with new advisor Bruce Dickinson and luckily the cameras were rolling. 

I got a fever And the only prescription.. is more cowbell

Bruce addressed the press conference this morning stating: Alright, guys, I think we’re ready to lay this first medical trial down. By the way, my name is Bruce Dickinson. Yes, ‘the’ Bruce Dickinson. And I gotta tell you: fellas.. you have got what appears to be a dynamite cure.  Easy, guys.. before you get too excited I put my pants on just like the rest of you — one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on, I make gold records. I’ll be honest.. fellas, what you have trialed son far, it sounds great. But.. we are going to try and use a little more cowbell.

We really explore the laboratory space this time. I mean, really.. explore the space. I like what I’m hearing. I’m telling you, fellas — you’re gonna want that cowbell. I got a fever And the only prescription.. is more cowbell! Babies.. before we’re done here.. y’all be wearing gold-plated diapers.

Bruce instrumental in the success of band the blue oyster cult back in 1976 in the old Sunshine Studios.