Snopes Fact Checks Donald Trump on Who knows the Suburbs The Best

Donald Trump claimed during the debate that he “knew the suburbs so much better than Joe Biden” and Snopes has come out deciding that this claim is false. A poll was conducted after the debate amongst those on twitter with blue verified checkmarks regarding who knew the suburbs the best, with Donald Trump trailing Ray Petersen from Mayfield Place- 51 votes to 67. Petersen, whose previous experience in the late 80’s film the Burbs, is said to have the pollsters confident who really knew the suburbs. While Donald trump technically did beat Joe Biden on the poll, because Orange man is bad and he did not technically win the poll, Snopes has scored it a ‘False’.

Biden claimed in the debate that Trump “wouldn’t know the suburbs if he took a wrong turn” with Trumps responding that “he knows the suburbs. So much better than you”. Ray Peterson was home on a week-long vacation back in 1989 and Late one night, heard strange noises emanating from the basement of his new and rather odd neighbours, the Klopeks. Eventually, Ray, and his neighbours Art Weingartner and Vietnam veteran Mark Rumsfield gradually suspect the Klopeks may be ritualistic murderers.