Donald Trump Impersonator Caught Trying To Steal Laptop from Rudy Giuliani

“The imposter was speaking in a high pitched voice”

CCTV images from out front of Rudy Giuliani’s house have surfaced online showing a strange-looking Donald Trump impersonator said to have rung the doorbell numerous times and asking to borrow Hunters laptop. The close friend of the president said he spoke to the ‘Trump look-alike’ via the intercom but noted that the imposter was speaking in a ‘higher than usual’ pitched voice and was overly eager about wanting to borrow the laptop.

A friend of Mr Giuiliani who was present at the time, says that the conversation turned very aggressive when told he would not be able to look at what was on the hard drive and kept repeatedly asking for ‘just a little look’ before realising their cover had been blown. A passer-by said she witnessed what they thought to be the President of the United States walk up to Mr Giuliani’s house carrying a hammer and acting very suspicious by repeatedly ringing the doorbell. What followed appeared to be a short conversation resulting in the impersonator running off down the street and speeding off in a waiting black SUV”