Man Becomes Attractive After Saving A Dollar For Each Time A Girl Found Him Unattractive

Rob from Northlakes says his secret to success was discipline and claims it was only going to be a matter of time before his luck would change and women would start finding him attractive eventually. 

Rob is a middle-aged short fat bald man who struggled to get a date for years and even says that some women would respond to his introductions with lyrics from the Daphne & Celeste song he was that ugly. He says that after watching and studying all of the housewives of Beverly Hills and stuff, he realised that there was something those guys had and he didn’t and although he says he couldn’t quite put his finger what it was at the time. He woke up one morning and decided things were going to change and wrote down a plan which included making himself saving $1 every time he was rejected for being overweight, too short or just downright ugly. 

After 5 years and over 1,000,000 dates, Rob’s luck started to change overnight and women instantly began finding him attractive. Rob told the fleece that he not sure what happened but there “appears to be a strong correlation between how many zeros to the left of the decimal point in his bank account and the number of women who find him attractive… I have done a chart and everything” He also says that he found that he no longer had to rely on his personality and coming up with witty pickup lines, and was now able to choose instead of it being the other way round. Rob says he plans to start touring the country offering seminars where he will offer hope to other single men out there.