More Resignations For Dan Andrews as David Brent Quits as PR manager

“Who says a botched hotel quarantine resulting in 800 deaths has to be depressing?”- David Brent

Following the shock resignations of Chris Eccles & Jenny Mikakos, Andrew’s PR Manager & ex Wernam Hogg Manager, entertainer and actor David Brent are the latest to join the list of staff to leave the Premier’s office in the last month. Brent Claims that Andrew was getting a bit boring and didn’t really have much of a sense of humour. “I mean who says a botched hotel quarantine resulting in 800 deaths has to be depressing?” says Brent. “An amateur will stitch up a professional and I can see a bit of that going on as well. Ridiculous. I’m out”

David claims the Premier reached out to him at the beginning of the lockdown stating that he needed help in addressing the locals and wanted to bring a bit of excitement to the press conferences. “Some people are intimidated when talking to large numbers of people in an entertaining way. Not me. When people say to me: would you rather be thought of as a funny man or a great boss? My answer’s always the same, to me, they’re not mutually exclusive” 

David told the Fleece in an seclusive interview:

“I don’t look upon this like it’s the end, I look upon it like it’s moving on you know. It’s almost like my work here’s done. I can’t imagine Jesus going ‘Oh, I’ve told a few people in Bethlehem I’m the son of God, can I just stay here with Mum and Dad now?’ No. You gotta move on. You gotta spread the word. You gotta go to Nazareth, please. And that’s, very much like… me. My world does not end within these four walls, Melbourne’s a big place. And when I’ve finished with Melbourne, there’s Sale, Taralgon, Bairnsdale, you know then there’s Brisbane, maybe Sydney. You know. Because I am my own boss, I can-Perth it. I can wake up one morning and go ‘Ooh, I don’t feel like working today, can I just stay in bed?’ ‘Ooh, don’t know, better ask the boss.’ ‘David can I stay in bed all day?’ ‘Yes you can David.’ Both me, (that’s not me in bed with another bloke called David)