“Not afraid anymore” Psychics, faith healers come out in force after the death of James Randi

Analysts say there has been a surge in mediums, psychics and spoon benders after the recent passing of the legendary James Randi. Spoon Uri Geller, the ‘talking to dead people’ guy John Edwards, and psychic Sally are said to be promoting shows around the place now that the scientific sceptic has passed away. It is said that it is a huge relief that they can now openly perform again without the fear of Randi exposing them for the frauds they are. Sally and John are back talking to the dead and a close friend says Uri is bending spoons like there’s no tomorrow. although he says they must be his own spoons and not anyone else’s. or it makes him feel weak or some shit. Once again psychics and other snake oil peddlers are free to go about lying about messages from dead loved ones and fleece people of their hard-earned money, no longer do they have to hide in the shadows in fear of being outed as charlatans bt the great James Randi.

Many were exposed by Randi over the years including faith healers, spoon benders and psychics; resulting in the ending of many careers. Before the concrete has even had time to set, sceptics say there has seen a massive increase in people claiming to have special powers and have asked for help in exposing these people for what they are. Randi’s passing has left big shoes to fill with Penn & Teller and some people on YouTuber’s already stepping up to the plate. Randi started the not for profit James Randi Education foundation in 1996 (JREF) where the organisation would donate $1 000 000 USD to the charity of their choice should someone be able to prove they had supernatural powers. With many trying, to date ZERO people have been able to prove such abilities. True story.

If you do claim to have special psychic abilities and can prove it please contact the JREF. Seriously. do it. and please got watch Randi expose these guys on TV. just enter Randi exposes Uri Geller or something like that. I no feel strong tonight…